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Assessments & Evaluations.

Services offered by IRM's Risk Assessment Program are designed to either support the creation of projects, ensure that projects are feasible, or support organizations engaged in project development through routine compliance and audit checks.
IRM uses a multi-sector complexity aware approach coordinated across relevant economic sectors and subject areas. It is a collaborative planning approach that engages a variety of stakeholders representing the given region’s social structure to focus on a coordinated, collaborative network working across the various sectors. Information generated in this assessment process provides both the requesting entity and the funding entity with the knowledge needed to address project risk, thereby improving project efficiency and coordinated developmental evaluation.
Preliminary Risk Assessment:
A preliminary risk assessment is conducted during the initial intake phase of a project, when the project client first proposes a project. At this point, IRM reviews its database for general information about the country, then coordinates a team of experts from its lead mitigation organizations to perform an initial site visit. The experts then complete a report based on the information and present the report to the project funders and the client in a collaborative work session. The purpose of this assessment is twofold: first, to determine the project’s viability, and second, to determine the project’s feasibility. A non-viable project will have obstacles that absolutely cannot be overcome and which will be identified in the initial report. As project feasibility will identify risks that both funders and project clients must be aware of during the project, it is crucial that the final expert report be presented to both parties in an interactive session.
Feasibility Assessment:
Following the initial risk assessment, IRM remains a part of subsequent feasibility study preparations. During this phase, IRM’s experts review proposed technological solutions for projects as well as vendors proposed for projects to ensure that all stakeholders involved in the project appropriately address risks identified in the initial risk assessment. Where new risks arise, IRM then proposes additional solutions to ensure compliance with appropriate regulations and to prevent waste of funds.
Ongoing Assessments:
No company exists in a vacuum, and the business environment constantly changes. As such, IRM needs to continually reevaluate projects for compliance needs and new/ongoing risks at regular intervals in order to ensure continuing compliance and efficient use of funds. IRM offers its ongoing assessment services to existing projects and project clients for which it has performed preliminary risk assessments and feasibility assessments as well as new projects and project clients who would benefit from the comprehensive, holistic assessments coordinated by IRM.


Executive Workshops & Trainings.

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